Day 4 we went to this minsu at 鲁山 called 幸福小镇, it's very secluded and quiet there and while watching the tv i doze off and slept really early like 10pm or so, and for the entire night he woke me up so many times - accidentally of course but still, so super annoyed.
He kept waking up, walking around, check the door, check the window like a mad man really. It's like he expects to see a crazy mountain dude barge into our minsu's cabin and chop us with an axe.
So we woke up at 8am, arrange for our minsu owner to fetch us over to Sun Moon Lake, 日月潭
LOL, ok my chinese damn fail i thought 日月潭 was pronounced as "RI YUE PIAO"
hahaha then leon said to my friends "whoa you see my girlfriend very good hor plan to bring me go piao nu ren from day to night" - if you get what i mean. Only later then i realize 日月潭 is pronounced as RI YUE TAN. *blush*
Yay! After about 1.5-2hour car ride we finally arrived at our minsu, checked in and off we go to explore 日月潭!!!

So is one of the most popular tourist scene in Taiwan, and you can read what's the deal about Sun moon lake HERE.
So i was researching about what to do at SML and i came across 九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, basically it's a cultural village X theme park.
And at that time there were having the One Piece Memorial Log event & Sakura Festival!!!! How could we miss it for the world, so lucky for us! We're like huge fans of One Piece and we finish watching 500+ episodes of the anime within 2 months or so?! LOL
◤ 九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

Basically to get to the 九族文化村 Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village, from sun moon lake we took the lake ferry then the Sun Moon Lake Ropeway to 九族文化村.
We purchased a package from our minsu which include the ticket, ferry ride & ropeway so it was easy peasy and getting there was a breeze.

Saw a pink ferry at the sun moon lake ferry dock! So pretty haha

Breakfast time! Had waffles + maple honey which was pretty yums! The sign on the top left reads "please do not touch me, i'm real" LOL usually those foodie sample showcase is normally fake right! so funny haha

Finally found our way to the Sun Moon Lake ropeway and it happens to be some holiday or whatever?!
The place was SWARMED with noisy, pushy kids.
Omg i swear it's my personal nightmare, i'm the only child and i've never really been exposed to kids so naturally they kinda scare the shit out of me? Lol I'm 21 and i've never held a baby in my entire life. Maybe prode and laugh at their cuteness and "lotus" baby arms and legs but once their little face starts crumbling and crying, i just ruuuuuuuuun.
But thank god once we reached 九族文化村 somehow most of the kids disappeared? Lol i see bunch of them here and them but luckily the theme park was pretty big so they dont go around in a huge bunch and make a ton of noise, so THANK GOD!!!


Oh yes and there's the sakura event too! Rows and ROWS of beautiful pink trees. How to not ♡?

Too bad it's been raining quite abit so the locals told us, thus alot of the sakura petals also fell off from all the rain if not it'll be much much much more beautiful.

Kids see this kor kor! Make fun of the aborginal thingy and he's gonna get his head chopped off! Hahahah that's something i like about him cos he's so qianbian and expressive sometime he's not really afraid of doing things to embarass himself to make me laugh hahahaha like a idiot but i likey.

♡ I want me some pinky trees in my backyard too.

Oh now you know what he's into eh?! Hahahaha kidding, i snapped another more outragous photo of him kneeling down and kowtow-ing to the huge dick that he begged me not to upload.
- Okay i might have made him do that... HAHAHA!


Oh cos it started drizzeling and we wanted to avoid the rain so we went to try the pottery thing! Hahaha i think it's those spintable kinda pottery but it was just like playing with play dough really. I wanna try those spin table type thou! Hahahaha like a romance drama only. Always the girl with have no control over shaping the pottery then the handsome dude will step in and help her mould it from behind *dramatic typical romance drama song playing in the background.*
Cannot stand waiting so we ran to the nearest shop and got really overpriced brolly lol damn idiotic, i still packed my brolly in my luggage but forget to bring out. -.-
OMG finally walked to the part of the park with the ONE PIECE EVENT!!!

So excited i could die!!! First ride of the day "Maya Adventures!!" Lots of 360 degree flips and stuff.
You know what! I was like taking double stairs per steps excitedly trying to get to the ride faster and he was like eh slowly leh slowly leh.. then i totally barged into the ride barrier thing and he was doing that on the bottom left photo, i was like "wtf fassssssster come in omg i cant wait to play something already!"
He was like wait wait.. dragging it out and watching the ride on the tv screen WTF?! Hahahaha so adorable he's damn scared about going on the ride can! But eventually i dragged him in and he had fun so yay!!!

Luffy Pirates! With all the souvenirs and all, i got a One Piece X Hello Kitty edition iPhone case for about TWD 990, tooooo cute to give it a miss!


CHOPPERMAN HOUSE! Boo i thought this is a ride or something but it's not, lots of cute stuff nontheless! See! Kawaii kiddy version of Luffy Pirates!

Hahaha didn't go for this ride but it get people RIDICULOUSLY wet like i saw this person who was drenched from top to toe.

LOL BOA! I love Boa hahaha she's so funny.

SUPEEEEEEERRRRR.. FRRRRRRAAAAANNNNNKKKKYYYYY!!!! Lol he damn not paiseh one i like! Hahahah

Hahahaha *Chopper hides in totally wrong direction*

So damn cool! Even the foodie place they make it like Baratie, the floating restaurant that Sanji was from! If Japan ever had a One Piece Event like this i will surely go, cos the taiwan one is so cool then japan one will be 10000000000X cooler please.

Very upset that my Chopper cake was sold out but we ordered other stuff!

Hahahah this dude trying to act cute and wore chopper's hat

Hahahah i don't know why but leon make me take a photo with the doctor's flag from the chopper story. Both of us cried while watching the chopper story eps!!! So heart wrenching )':

Hahahah i don't think you can see this but we had our arms stamped with the X like the crew too! hahahah

LOL!!!! Omg for the longest time he keep making this face to make me laugh ahahaha, the duval CMI wink face!!!

This is how it looks like, i think it's a 100% match with leon's. HAHAHA

HAHAHAAH saw the Nami mascot and i could die from my laughing fits! SERIOUSLYYYYYY?! Hahahahah damn 搞笑 can!

Leon tried the giant 抓娃娃 to try and catch a chopper for me lol! Awww

Hahahah such a guy thing! He loves such "strength testing" machines and those punching kind lol, i suspect he's trying to impress me hahahaha so cute

The english garden! They were starting to grow the lavenders for the lavendar season event in a couple months i think!

We were damn guai never waste money take cab back, asked for directions to take the bus back and it's only like a dollar or lesser per person hahahaha mad cheap. And it's not even a very far back to sun moon lake where our minsu is!

Yay dinner time! Went to walk around sun moon lake and bought some foodie souviner for the family and saw this restaurant so we had dinner there!

Back to the minsu after a whole day of fun at the One Piece Memorial Log! Such an exciting for the both of us. (: Had an early night, watched tv, hug riri meimei and fell asleep!
Next post, Day 6 we went to 苗栗, to 天空之城 and had one of the best meals we ever had and pluck strawberries in a strawberry farm! ♫♪
♡ Loves, TheLuckiestChick
Hey! Mind to share which minsu u stay in 日月潭? Thanks!
@missflicker: I stayed at Stay: Diana, Dancing Together B&B this January! - highly recommended!
NT$3300 per night
地址 :南投縣魚池鄉日月街41號(靠近德化社碼頭)
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